Thursday, September 2, 2010


Woke up this morning and my neck was feeling a little sore and stiff - not sure if I slept on it wrong or if stress had gotten to me - by the time I was driving home tonight I could barely turn my head to change lanes - not good!  Luckily my chiropractor's office is by my house.  I was able to walk right in and get It adjusted.  It took a couple snaps of my neck to get it to pop back in to place!  The first one made a loud cracking noise - like crushing walnuts - the other two were just hard cuz my neck couldn't turn very far.  But OMG!  When he snapped the last one - it hurt for a split second and then it was like a release of pressure!  It felt so good.  Now I am at home with ice - actually a Ziploc bag of frozen blueberries - on my neck and listening to the Seahawks game.  The game is kinda boring - preseason and not any starters playing.  College Football starts this weekend!!  WSU -vs- Oklahoma State at 4:00!! Yay!!  Celebrate My Color Is Crimson Day tomorrow and wear your Cougar Colors!!!!

OK - just had to put the "ice" back in the freezer because Chrissy kept licking the bag!!  Is that a Maltese trait - the need to lick everything and all the time!  When she rides in the car she loves to lick the windows - makes everything so smudgy!  New name for her . . . . . . Nit Wit!

Time to go charge the computer and the iPhone - I'm going to read a book.  Currently reading Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!  Really Good!  Once I got past some of the Swedish words and stopped hearing The Swedish Chef from the Muppets!  Will share more later.


1 comment:

Tony said...

Cougs getting 15 1/2 points against OSU. Give me OSU and I'll give away the points...