Sunday, September 5, 2010

Books - Baseball - Bed

Saturday was spent running here and there - well, not actually running!! - more like driving here and there.  Took E to his job in Bellevue on my way to taking L to her appointment at Planned Parenthood.  Then it was back home to get L's cell phone and then dropping her off at work.  Got home with all good intentions to clean the kitchen - just needed to finish the last 2 pages of a chapter in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo  - Well 2 pages turned into 4 hours of reading!  Finished the book though!  Really Really Good!!  I am not on to book 2 to in the trilogy The Girl Who Played With Fire.  It is really quite sad that the author Stieg Larsson passed away before getting to see how incredibly popular his books have become.  They were all published after his death in 2004.  I read on his website that there is a book 4 mostly completed but it is a part of a nasty fight over who should have control of it.  His partner of 32 years - Eva - has no control over anything as they were not married and he didn't leave a will.  So according to Swedish law everything goes to his closest male relatives.  Yup - just the males.  The computer that the book is on happens to be in the possession of Eva and she won't let it be published unless the father and brother of Stieg give her literary control.  Oh - did I mention that the father and brother weren't even in Steig's life anymore.  It is all just very messed up.
View From My Seat

Today I went to a Mariners game.  I usually don't end up staying for the whole game but this time I did.  Not only was the weather really nice - sunny with a nice breeze - but I had incredibly seats!  I have never sat that close to the field before.  The games is so much more exciting when you are that close.  We were in the first row right behind Ichiro in right field!  Incredible!!

When I got home it was rather interesting - L and E had been drinking - E's of age L is not - and they were a bit loud and a bit stumbly.  I swear it was like trying to control 5 year olds.  I took them to Target so I could play "Mom" and get E some much needed socks.  His were really gross - which I found out because Chrissy had found them and started chewing on them in the living room.  They were nasty!!  Luckily Target was having a good sale and I got a pack of socks for $5.  I then got them home safely and I sat down to relax while they cleaned my kitchen - a deal made for me having run around all day yesterday taking them too and from work.

Tomorrow is a day off from work - plan is to do laundry and a few other chores.  Both "kids" will be at work so it will be nice and peaceful - much needed peace and quiet!  Night!


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