Sunday, March 1, 2009

Petco Spa

Today was Spa Day . . . . . . . not for me - it was for Muppet. She doesn't seem to enjoy her Spa Days though. She was all happy to get in the car and even seemed OK when we pulled up to the Petco - once we got in that door though and she took one whiff of the shampoo she just started to cling to me - like dropping a child off at daycare. She needed the bath and haircut though - she was a bit smelly and she was looking like a "hippy" dog - she just needed some bell bottoms and a head band! They didn't do as good a job on her haircut as they usually do - Stan kinda clipped her a little too short in some spots - I don't know if Muppet moved around a lot or if he was in a hurry to get her done - at least it will grow back.



Tomorrow starts the Month End cycle - really early days - stress to meet deadlines - I feel like we haven't even finished closing out 2008 or January - the auditors have been here since the beginning of the year going over 2008 close. Not sure if they will be gone this week or not.

Fun times!


1 comment:

Johana said...

WOW.!! She is looking sooo cute and beautiful after Petco spa. I have noticed in both pictures she is watching on the camera.