Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where oh Where

I think I've lost something and need help finding it . . . . . . . .

My blogs used to be entertaining and sometimes even funny . . lately they aren't . . . . . I think I may have lost my funny bone! Either that or someone took it . . . .

I am just having trouble finding the humor in things lately . . . work . . . my unemployed tenant . . . . stupid Washington drivers that seem to forget how to drive when that wet stuff comes down from the sky and lands on their windshields and the road . . no humor in that one just plain old frustration . . I mean really . . you live in Washington State for God's Sake . . . it rains a lot and you're telling me by the way you crept down the Plateau Hill this morning that you can't drive in this stuff cuz it happens so rarely . . move somewhere desert like!! Told Ya . . . No Funny Bone!

Going to bed . . . .


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