Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And . . . . . Nothing Again

Long . . . long. . . . day. Started by getting to work at 630. Needed that quiet time before everyone gets there - uninterrupted heads down processing. I was able to get a lot done. But of course . . . . when you make perfect plans of how your day will time out . . . . . things always come up. Questions - please pull this - what about this! I rushed at the end of my day - hope I remembered everything. I had to leave the office at 230 this afternoon for my appt with the ENT Dr.

I won't bore you with all the details of the appointment - hearing is good - eardrums look great - ears withstand pressure within the normal range. So basically . . . . A Big Fat Nothing!!!!! Getting so frustrated and upset - all these Dr's and tests and still nothing. Bottom line right now - learn to live with the damn ringing in my ear! Call my primary Dr tomorrow as the headache meds aren't working anymore.

OK - I'm heading to bed.


Shhhhh . . . . Mom went to bed and left the computer on. I don't know what she's said about me lately but let me tell you my story.

Saturday she gets us up early . . .thought Saturday was the day to sleep in. She takes me outside and then starts talking in that high pitched excited voice - this usually means a treat!! I get really happy and start dancing around - which makes her laugh. We get in the car - I Love Car Rides! Maybe were going to go visit Nana! But No . . . . it's a very short car ride . . . . we're going to the groomers! I really don't like going to the groomers - when she hands me off I try to grab on to her with my paws - you know, cats with their claws are actually very lucky - then can really grab onto someone when they don't want to go. When I'm done getting my haircut - I actually smell pretty good! Sniff . . sniff . . . I smell like Sugar Cookies! Now that's different! It takes awhile but Mom finally shows up to get me. She really likes how I smell! I thought we would head home but instead she takes me in to the store next door. WTH! What are we doing here? I want to go home? Please don't put me down! I just want to be curled in tight! Phew . . .she's not putting me down. We go over to a bench and sit by this man dressed all in red with a white beard - I think I remember him from last year at this time. Another guy is trying to get me to look at him - he has a camera. I don't feel like being cooperative though so I just keep squiggling around. We're finally done there and we drive home.

Yesterday Mom came home early. I got all excited again - danced around - jumped in to her arms! She took me out to the car and we drove away. Maybe we're going to Nana's! Nope . . . short ride again - you would think I would have learned from Saturday :-P! This time it was much worse than the groomers . . . . . it was . . . . .the . . . VETS!!! Oh No!!! I started shaking and getting so scared . . . no good ever comes from a visit to the Vets!! There's lots of poking - pushing - prodding. Why does he always look at my teeth and then in my ears! I try to shake my head back and forth so he will let me go. Then I get weighed - and he says the weight out loud!! I don't need to know that! I finally get to climb back in to Mom's arms and I think everything is over. Then . . . . I feel him grab my tail . . . . .and then . . . in goes the thermometer!! Really . . . really . . . . is that necessary! I feel fine - I'm not sick. Finally we're all done - no shots or needle pokes so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

OK - Mom is moving around a bit - Niki is sleeping on my pillow and snoring - Buffy is off in the corner of the bed. I hope there are no surprises tomorrow.


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