Thursday, June 10, 2010

Puppy Steps

Life with a young pup has definitely been a journey!  There are ups and downs - new tricks - training both her and me. . . . That is how the Blog I wrote last night started out . . . I know - you're probably saying "What Blog - I didn't see no stinkin' Blog" - well that would be because just as I went to Publish the blog my Internet kicked me out - when I logged back in it was only to find that the only thing it had saved in Draft was the first line I wrote!  And let me tell you - I was on last night!  It was amazing and insightful!  Best I've written! But no one will ever get to read it because it is lost in cyberspace. I will try to remember the brilliance I wrote but I can not promise.

Chrissy has learned some new "tricks"
  • She discovered how to jump over the baby gate!  I came home Tuesday - went to the bathroom before I let her out of the kitchen - suddenly she was standing in the bathroom wagging her little stubby tail!  I was hoping it was a fluke but yesterday when I went to leave for work she caught up to me at the front door.  I have now built an additional "wall" using panels from the Puppy pen.  This morning I pulled up the Webcam on my computer at work and couldn't see her - I called L to have her go to the kitchen and see if she was stuck between the wall and the gate.  L suddenly laughed and said "Nope - she's sitting outside my door!"  Good God - the dog figured out how to move the wall and then jump the gate.  What will she figure out next.
  • Chrissy can now go both up and down the stairs - she likes to stop and look through the opening between the steps - Makes my tailbone twitch!  Hope she doesn't decide to jump!
  • Now gone 3 days without any "accidents" - She may be getting the hang of this potty training thing.
  • Last night she curled up on the bed with me and I thought - OK, we'll give this a try and see if she can make it through the night.  Yeah - we lasted about 5 minutes!  Every time I moved her head would pop up like a gopher and she was all twitchy and looking around.  Not gonna work - so into her crate she went.  I think she really likes her crate - she fluffs up the bed and blankets and gets all comfy - making a pillow out of her blanket.
Life with L is going OK - there's not been any yelling or drama so far.  I'm just so used to only having the pets living here with me that an additional adult makes it feel very crowded.  There may be some drama coming up as I need to have a discussion with her about helping with chores, job hunting, and following up on jobs she's applied to.  I'm thinking that there is a possibility of hearing lots of  I Know, I'm Trying, You're Stressing Me Out, I Don't Want To Talk About It.  Whatever happens you can be assured that you will read about it.


OMG!!!  It happened again!  Just as I went to click publish . . . my Internet crapped out!  This time though I did a copy and past in to a Word Document!

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