Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can We Call It A Week

Oh Mylanta!  This has been a day.  I missed my bus this morning . . . . . I forgot to put the pork loin in the crock pot . . . . . My Kindle battery died . . . . . . a quick trip to pick L up from E's turned into a 2 hour long ordeal so I didn't get home until 9!  Poor little Chrissy had been in the kitchen since 8 this morning.

I certainly couldn't go to bed as soon as I got home because Chrissy needed to go outside and then run around - burn off some puppy energy.  So now I am up past my bedtime - hope I don't oversleep and miss my bus again tomorrow!

I am still having major Internet issues - I think it has to do with L being plugged directly in to the router . . . it works fine for awhile but when she is playing WOW it will keep kicking me off - which gets frustrating because the way I unwind when I get home is to surf the net a little and play some games.  She is out with a friend right now so I am able to be on with no issues!

L had an interview today . . . . keep your fingers crossed . . . . would be nice for her to get a steady job.

OK - while I'm thinking about it I am going to go find the charger for my Kindle and get it plugged in so I can read on the bus tomorrow.


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Oh Mylanta! Love it!