Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nice Sunny Day

Oh what a day!  Started out beautifully - nice blue sky - sun shining!  Took Chrissy out for a quick morning walk and then a quick trip to the vet to get a shot.  This shot - vaccine for Leptospirosis - needed to be given to her in the morning just in case she had a reaction - which doesn't happen very often but Dr Brar likes to be careful with small dogs.  So we got to the vets - the tech brought her back - gave her the shot - and we headed home.  Now the vet's office is only a mile away so it doesn't take long to get home - within that short amount of time Miss Chrissy turned into a limp rag doll!  I got home - called the vet - turned right back around!  They decided they needed to keep her for the day and keep an eye on her.  She looked so much and acted so much like Muppet did on her last day that I panicked - that stupid shot better not have broken my dog!!

I got home and it was time to take L into Bellevue for her BC Shot at Planned Parenthood and then to take her over to where E is living - he has the next 2 days off so they will hangout together there and i get the house to myself for the weekend.  I was thinking that when I got home I would do some chores around the house until I could go get Chrissy - but by the time I got home I had a full blown migraine - I'm sure from the stress.  So I took a nap.  I got a call from the vet at 330 and they said she was doing fine and I could come get her at 530.  When I picked her up she seemed so much better - they had given her some Benedryl to counter act her reaction.  Dr Brar said that when we do her booster shot she will just need to stay there for the day so they can keep an eye on her.  I got her home - she seemed fine - went into the kitchen and had some water and food.  She then started to act a little weird - then threw up everything she had just eaten.  Not a pretty site.  Of course - by the time she did that the vets office was closed so I am going to just keep an eye on her.  She played a bit with Buffy - now she is in her crate sound asleep.  Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Of course - being in Washington - it will probably rain tomorrow - the one nice day we've had in months and I spent it napping.  Oh well, hopefully that wasn't our summer!


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