Thursday, June 24, 2010


This morning I got to go to the one place everybody loves . . . . . . the Dentist!!  Don't we all just love going there.  I went in to have a crown replaced . . tooth #5 on the upper right . . last year when I went in for another tooth issue Dr Brandon said that the #5 tooth was next on the list because there was some decay under the crown there and we didn't want it to turn into a tooth extraction like the one I was in there to see him about.  So I decided to go in and have that work done.  I get settled in the chair - the dental assistant puts the numbing gel by the tooth and we wait.  When Dr Brandon got there and took a look he seemed puzzled . . he looked at my tooth . . looked at the x-rays that they took last time . . went back to the tooth. . they discussed his notes from the last appointment.  He couldn't figure out why that tooth was at the top of the list!!  He didn't see anything wrong with it!!  He had a new set of x-rays taken and then made the decision that they should actually work on a different tooth that was suddenly so bad it was moved to the top of the list.  OK . .What?!?!  The tooth they decided was suddenly urgent has been on the list for 3 years and was always at the bottom . . once I had other issues taken care of we would get to that tooth . . . how is it that it was suddenly so bad . . how is it that the tooth that was on the top of the list was suddenly OK.  I am confused!  Was there ever anything wrong with the front right?  Or were they just trying to get my money?  I had just gone through a very painful tooth extraction when they said I needed to get the upper right one taken care of right away or else it would end up just like that one.  A year later . . . . . nothing wrong with it?!?!

Well, they went ahead and worked on the other tooth - the back molar on the lower right.  That is a very tough tooth to get to.  The Novocaine shots were horrible - They had to put Novocaine in the gums around the tooth, under the tongue, and then in the hinge of my jaw . . . that one felt like it was reaching all the way through and in to my ear canal!!  I thought I was going to scream . . . . when he was done I had tears rolling out of my eyes and down the side of my face.  I haven't pain like that before.  The rest of the process wasn't too bad - i couldn't feel the drilling - the worst part (after the shots) was Dr Brandon trying to reach the back of the tooth - my mouth was open so wide and they had to keep pulling my tongue out of the way.  

Once I was done at the dentist it was time to head back to work.  My tongue felt like it was three inches thick!  When the Novocaine started to wear off I became painfully aware that I had bitten my tongue!  Owwwww!!!  I took 4 ibuprofen earlier and I just now took a vicodin . . . . man I hope it works!  Very Very painful right now!!

OK - I'm going to go take Chrissy out for a short walk.  Oh . . and my Neapolitan Cake was a hit at work today! :-)


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