Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Chrissy

I'm 6 months old today!  What a life I have had so far - I've lived in a kennel - gone on car rides - been on a plane - gone from warm Texas to rainy Washington!  What I remember most about Texas is it was warm and for one day I got to be in a house with my new friends Kara, Bailey, Emma, Lexi, and Tess - Tess and Lexi didn't really like me that much but that was OK - Miss Kara took me under her paw and showed me where the toys were.  After my day there I went on a plane ride and landed in this cold place they call Washington.  I have been here for over a month now and I think I like it!

I like Buffy and Niki - Buffy plays with me and has taught me how to jump up on top of my crate, up and over the couch, up and over the baby gates, and up on to the bed - i like jumping!  Buffy and I like to chase each other - wrestle and growl.  Niki doesn't play with me much but she has started to come close and let me lick her face.

I like to go on walks - We first go to this one patch of grass and Mom says go potty then says Good Chrissy!  We then walk down to the other end of the building and I like to sniff around Muppet's favorite bush.  This morning when we went for a walk I found the most interesting smell - I buried my nose in it and loved it so much that I rolled around where the smell was and rubbed my back and face in it.  Mom went "Ewwww - Chrissy No!"  I just looked at her with my "what" face.  I don't understand why she didn't like the wonderful smell and the goeyness of the dead slug!  When we got inside I had to have a quick bath - I don't see the difference between a regular bath and a quick bath - either way I get wet in the sink, soaped up, and wet again.  I look like a drowned rat when I'm wet - you can't really see my fur you just see my skin - yuck!

I used to have to stay in the kitchen all day when Mom went to work - she has put together quite the contraption to keep me in there - I will figure out how to get out though one of these days!  Anyways - the last couple of days Sissy has let me out in the afternoon to go for a walk and run around the house - Mom says it nice cuz then I'm not "hyper" when she gets home - I'm not hyper - I just get puppycited!!

I have a basket full of toys - every night Mom and Sissy put the toys in the basket and I take them back out!  I just like to make sure they're all still there!  May favorite toy is squirrly - I carry her around and hide her in safe places - sometimes I forget where and Mom finds them when she moves things!!  

I heard Mom say TGIF!  That means I don't have to go in the kitchen tomorrow!  Yay!!  I wonder what we'll do tomorrow!  I hope we get to go out the sliding glass door.  Mom took me out there last night after Sissy finished putting up chicken wire - they said it was so I wouldn't slip through the railings and fall to the ground.  There were some cool smells out there - the cats go out there - and Mom sits out there too.  That's pretty cool!

It's getting close to my bed time - I need to start rounding up Mom and letting her know we need to go to the bedroom.  I don't sleep in the bed with Mom I like to sleep in my crate - it's like being in my own little room.  Besides - the cats kinda take up a lot of room on that bed!  I don't want to share my sleeping space with the cats.

Night -


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