Friday, January 15, 2010

Things That Make You Go Hmm . . . . .

  • Why do people push the elevator floor button when the get on even though it has already been pushed and is lit up. It was 5:00 so everyone was leaving to head home, I got on at the 20th Floor and a gal gets on at the 15th Floor - looks at the floor buttons - pushes the L button. Didn't get us to the Lower Level any faster! Hmmm . . . .
  • Another elevator thing that makes you go Hmmm . . . . . people who get on the elevator and repeatedly push the close door button. Have they never watched suspense movies - pushing the button never makes the door close any faster!
  • Why is it that when drivers see a cop car on the side of the road they always hit their brakes . . even when they are already going under the speed limit? Hmmm . . . . . .
  • People that moved in to the unit below have a Welcome Mat with pretty butterflies and three rocks that have lady bugs, flowers, and welcome painted on them. They have switched out the door locks for a deadbolt and a doorknob with a key lock and a keypad for entering a code. Hmmm . . . .are visitors really welcome?

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