Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"FAIL" Blog

It was brought to my attention this afternoon that I haven’t updated my blog in over a week. I think the word that was used was “FAIL”! I didn’t realize that much time had gone by! So either I am losing days or this month is just flying by!

Not a lot of Blog Worthy happenings this past week. I could write in detail about my headaches and the annoying ringing in the ear but I am sure you are all getting a little tired of hearing about that – I know I am tired of hearing the ringing! Last week was Year-End Close and it was awful!! The finance system was having issues the previous week – which is when I usually do the bulk of my close processes – so when Close Week officially started I was already 2 days behind schedule. I put in long hours – got very stressed – extremely bitchy – Just wanted the week to end. Saturday I had a severe headache so I broke down and took a Vicodin. One minute I was chatting online with K and the next I am waking up and it is 600 at night – the whole day was gone! I felt better but I hate having a wasted day – I ended up feeling like I only got a one day weekend. Sunday I drove up to have dinner with my parents. I hadn’t seen them since Thanksgiving! It was lots of fun – catching up – having a home cooked meal that I didn’t cook. Mom got a book on knitting sweaters for Dogs – she is going to try and make sweaters for all her Grand and Great Grand Puppies! I was able to get Muppets measurements without any problem and I chatted to K and Linds to get measurements for Bailey and Kara. Little Miss Kara was afraid of the tape measure! She kept hiding from Linds so finally she used a string and then measured that. Puppies can be so funny sometimes.

Monday I stayed home from work and kept all of the lights off in the house. Felt better so I went in to work on Tuesday. Tuesday night I was going by L’s place to drop off some mail for her so I called and asked her if she wanted to get dinner with me. E had to work 3 – 10 so it was just L and I but we ordered a To Go box for E. He called while we were at Red Robin – which is very close to the QFC he works at – he was on his dinner break so he came over and ate with us. L just seems so much happier and relaxed these days. It really is a dramatic change. After dinner E went back to work and we followed him there – I was going to buy a few groceries for L because her Food Stamps card doesn’t get refilled until the 20th. Instead of asking for a lot of stuff she was very appreciative whenever I put something in the cart and even told me no on a few things because she thought it was too expensive! I Know! L said that! But they should be good for a week or so.

The plan for tonight is to go by the grocery store for me on the way home – get a few things to help in my goal to eat better and not have cereal for dinner! We’ll see how I feel when I get off the bus. This morning I went to read my Kindle on the bus – it had been a few weeks – my battery was dead L So – I watched a few things on my iPod and I will charge up the Kindle when I get home. Oh – I am also going to try to start using the Wii Fit again – L has the controllers but I found a new one on eBay and won the auction to get it for 12.99! Good Price! Hopefully it is here in a week and then I will get started “working out”!

OK – break time is over – I’m gonna get a few more things done and then try to catch the 5:04 bus home.


Lindsay said...

Good job :-)

Unknown said...

Hey D! It's E, that's awesome that you blog. It's a good way to get out whatever you're feeling inside without worrying too much about criticism or response. It's like journal writing and it is a good exercise. L and I were bored and browsing Google for family history and stumbled upon your blog. We both found it real, enlightening, and enjoyable. I hope you're having a good night and we're both looking forward to dinner and (maybe some wii) on Sunday evening. ;) Talk to you later Mom, have a great night!