Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Couple Muppet Stories

I Love my Muppet - don't get me wrong - but she has been both a wimp and a pain this week.

Monday Muppet and I went to bed - I was on my computer and she was curled up on the pillow next to me. In came Niki - L's cat - she jumped up on the bed and went straight to the same pillow - she sleeps on it when we aren't home and sometimes during the night she curls up there. She was very surprised to see Muppet on her pillow - she walked around it and kinda tried to push Muppet over and off the pillow. I told Mup that she was there first and to stand her ground - don't let the bully make you move. Niki glared - Muppet cowered - Niki stared - Muppet looked to me. Muppet then got up and moved - Not just off the pillow but all the way around to the other side of the bed and curled up tight behind my knees. WIMP!!

Last night she was a horrible bed buddy. She started out by digging into the bed - under the covers - moving everything all around. I told her to just knock it off and made her lay down next to me. I fell asleep about 930 - only to be woken up by an insistent licking on my face!! WTH - I turned to look at the clock thinking that maybe it was close to getting up time - but oh no - it was 1115! What! I haven't been asleep that long! I tried to roll over and go back to sleep but Mup kept licking me and running around the bed. Damn It - I got out of bed - pulled on some sweats - threw on some shoes - took the damn dog outside. Man I miss that backyard in TX! She did her business and then started sniffing at the darn trees - yeah, not putting up with that! I grabbed her and dragged her back to bed. You would think this would end it - but I got another lovely wake-up at 330 - this was one of those - face in your face - Mom . . .Mom . . . .Are you awake . . . . Whatcha Doin Mom. I was able to get her to go back to sleep.

So hope she sleeps through the night tonight. I'm exhausted from long days at work and way too much still to get done. Got home too late again tonight to make enchiladas :-( So far I have had a handful of Swedish fish and a swig of coke. Thinking I may need something a little more nutritious.

In Memoriam - K's cat Tiger died today. He was 15 years old and was definitely K's cat. He would only let her hold him and he loved her as much as she loved him. He will be missed.

My health update - Saw the Neurologist yesterday. He doesn't know what caused the headache or why it is still here. He prescribed a different drug that is supposed to restart my pain receptors - kinda like hitting control-alt-delete / Restart on your computer. We shall see. He has no idea what's causing the constant ringing in my right ear. Doesn't think it's related to the headache. Probably just one of those things that I will need to live with. Oh Joy!

OK - I'm gonna find something to eat and head to bed. First I need to get the Drooly Bug Cat off my lap - Niki is drooling on me :-P


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