Thursday, January 14, 2010

Accountability . . . Bleah

The same person who pointed out that I hadn't blogged in a week - I believe "FAIL" is what was said. Well - as we were discussing our plans for the evening I said that I didn't feel like grocery shopping so I was probably going to just head on home - she then pointed out that I had said in my blog that I was going to do the grocery shopping and so I had too. What?!?! I was too tired - she said no excuses and that I needed to be accountable! Dang! I could always say I did the shopping but not do it - yeah that would be lying and not very accountable! So . . . . . . I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from the Park & Ride! When I got there I realized i had left my shopping list at work. Hmm . . . . I could go home and do this tomorrow . . . . but I'm sure I would hear something like - That's a Likely Story! Was it an accident leaving my list at work - just my scrambled, forgetful, brain - or was it my subconscious because I didn't really want to stop at the store. Hmmm . . . . . . something to think about. I did do some shopping - I'm sure I forgot something and probably picked up some items not on the list.

Yay for Friday tomorrow! Long week - just wanna sleep in! L and E are coming over for dinner on Sunday - a family dinner! :-) I am planning on making my Spaghetti Lasagna and having bread and a salad. Need to think of something for dessert. I figure I can put the lasagna together on Saturday in my Crock Pot and then start heating it up on Sunday. Gives me a good reason to get some chores done around here too.



Lindsay said...

I don't like the way I have been portrayed in your blog lately.....

Colleen said...

Are you cooking the spaghetti lasagna in the crock pot? If so please send the recipe.