Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Drama - Just Hope

No Drama to report - just some mature steps in the right direction! I feel hopeful! L called and got her unemployment reopened and should get her first check next week. Her and E have worked out how to split the rent. She texted me last night that she has an interview next week! It's just amazing the turn around I am seeing with her. I hope she gets the job - would be a good self-esteem booster. I can't remember if I blogged much about last weekend - I had a great time with E & L - they were over for dinner and laundry! We played Wii Mario Party 8 - I've never played this before and E was very nice and helped me figure things out. There was one mini-game that he said was really difficult so he played my character for me. :-)

We were going to play Wii Sports but the disc seems to have walked off! I priced it at Target - Amazon - Best Buy - and they wanted $54 for the game!! I like the bowling and Tennis but so not for $54! I went out on eBay and there were a few auctions going on - I got my bid in on one - I had the highest bid - then someone swooped in at the last second and out bid me :-( No problem - there was another auction going on that was ending in 2 hours. I just sat and watched it - when there was only a minute left I swooped in and placed my bid - got it for $27.97!!! Less than buying from the store and less than the first auction ended at! Should be here either today or Monday.

No big plans for the weekend - need to catch up on some DVR shows - straighten up - and fold some laundry! I know - exciting plans!


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