Thursday, November 4, 2010

Long Days

Day 3 of working until 800 pm - definitely taking it's toll.  I am very tired and my brain is fuzzy - doesn't help that I can't go right to bed once I get home - poor Chrissy has been spending a lot of time in the kitchen and all she wants to do when I get home is chase cats, play with toys, and run around.  Last night I put her in the crate and she cried for almost 1/2 an hour because she wanted to play and I wanted to sleep.  

Right now she is playing with fire - she is attacking Niki and Niki does not like to play with Chrissy - she keeps biting on her neck and then barks at her.  She is not only irritating the cats but she is irritating me!  I am thinking it is time for the crate - BRB . . . . . . . OK - she is in the crate and staring at me.  At least she's not crying or barking.  I'm sure my neighbors downstairs are happy for that too.

Belief is that things come in 3's - does this work with stressful things as well as deaths?  I think I have hit my limit of 3 stressful things this week.

  1. Month End Close which has resulted in staying late every night this week.
  2. Jason not being at work anymore - I believe I miss  him so much because I was his "work" wife! LOL!
  3. The appraisal on my Condo came back lower than I needed so looks like I will only be able to refinance my mortgage and not get any cash out of it.  This is going to require some thinking this week as I am not sure I can afford to go to TX for Christmas now.
 On the appraisal issue - explain to me why - a person who has made their mortgage payments on time for well over 20 years is not able to get a loan for less than what their house is worth and yet, a person who has trouble making their payments on a loan that is more than their house is worth is getting help from the government?  This country is so backwards - rewarding those that don't follow the rules and punishing those of us that do.  Will the nice guys ever finish first?  

***Thursday Update . . . my Internet went out last night so I couldn't post this!***

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