Sunday, November 28, 2010

4 Day Vacation!

The Thanksgiving Four Day Weekend is coming to an end - sad sad sad.  I had such a good four days.

Thanksgiving Day was a little rushed in the morning - the desserts I had made the night before didn't really turn out how I wanted them too so I got up and tried again.  I had the ingredients for my Pumpkin Marble Bundt Cake and my Apple Tarts.  The cake actually turned out really well - the apple tarts, not so much.  I think I may have put too much butter in the crumble topping because they just kind of melted all over the place.  I left the house a bit later than I had planned on with all of the attempts at baking - got on the road to get L about 1230.  Had a really nice drive up to La Connor - L was chatty, the freeway wasn't snowy, there was no traffic.  Got to Mom and Dads at a decent time - walked in and the house smelled like turkey . . . yummmmmm!  Dinner was really good - all the favorites - turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries . . . . . . so so good!!  What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods?

Friday and Saturday were pretty much "slug" days - I did absolutely nothing!  Didn't go Black Friday shopping - just hung around the house catching up on some much needed sleep.  Today I started cleaning out my closet - lots of boxes and bags of paper that just need to be shredded and tossed.  I also did some Christmas Shopping online - ran some loads of laundry - cleaned the kitchen.  Now I am trying to get back into work mode - Month End starts again tomorrow.  I need to get lots done on Monday and Tuesday because I have a Relief Society Xmas Dinner Wednesday at 630 that I really want to go to. 

Miss Chrissy wasn't feeling very good today - silly pup got into my cereal milk yesterday - - let's just say that dairy is not her friend.  She is sleeping right next to me on the couch right now while I write.  She looks so comfy - I think it means that it's time to head in to bed.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Have a great week.


1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Definitely love the turkey and potatoes and gravy. I tried cranberries again, and still don't like them - Yuck! You can tell Tryna I was a good boy and at least tried it again though! Glad you had a good Holiday.