Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend Update

I should just start naming every Monday blog Weekend Update!  I just don't write on the weekends anymore - unless something major should happen.

This weekend was incredibly hot!!  Not complaining - just observing - this summer has been one of extremes - we're either hot in the 90s or cold in the 60s - why can't we just have a nice string of 70s!I like that kind of weather.  When it's in the 90s for consecutive days the condo heats up to 89!!  Very uncomfortable.  To try and help beat the heat this weekend I bought a small kiddie pool for Chrissy and I!!  Just put enough water in it for my feet and for her to wade around in.  She liked it.

Of course - as you will notice from the picture - I took her cone off because she look so miserable.  I thought - what could happen in the few minutes she's in the pool . . . . . I forgot I was dealing with Chrissy The Destroyer Houdini!  In no time at all she had her stitches out!!  It looked OK to me but I called the vet - knowing that he is there on Saturdays and only a mile away - so we got in the car and took a little ride - air conditioning was nice!!  Dr Brar took a quick look at her - after shaking his head at me - and said she was good and to keep the cone on for another week so she doesn't disrupt the scabbing.  

Last week I had a Dr Appt and we discussed how I've been feeling over the last few months - made a small adjustment to my meds - things are back on track!  I like my happy pills!  Hopefully no further adjustments need to be made - at least not for awhile.  It's hard to really explain - one moment you feel down, don't want to do anything but sleep, nothing holds your interest - then a little adjustment - and it's like coming out of a fog - your head feels clearer, the weight of everything feels lighter, you feel like you can handle things.  Life is just a little bit better and easier to try and deal with.  It doesn't make the problems go away - but it does make it so you can think clearly about how to handle them.

L applied to and got an interview at McDonalds - the interview is tomorrow at 1:30.  The McDonalds in Issaquah by where the Albertsons used to be is having a hiring day tomorrow - so cross your fingers that she gets the job. 

OK - I'm moving back to my bedroom where it is hopefully cooling off - finish watching The Closer and then get some sleep.


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