Monday, August 9, 2010

Quick Catch Up

OK - time to get caught up on everything.

Miss Chrissy - Seems to be recuperating from Friday's surgery and is getting used to wearing the cone of shame!  She figured out that she needs to keep her head up so the cone doesn't drag on the ground and make lots of noise or get caught on things.  She's supposed to be staying calm and not running around - she doesn't really understand that though - she keeps jumping on and off things and desperately wants to chase her kitties.  This is going to be a very long 2 weeks!

I hadn't seen my friend Lyd in 3 months - amazed that it had been that long.  In that time Hoyt has learned to walk, climb on playground equipment, wave, high five, and so much more!  I was able to spend time with both Lyd and Hoyt on Friday.  We hung out at the playground for awhile and then went to go get something for dinner - on our way to dinner Hoyt fell asleep so we went through a drive-thru, parked, and ate/talked while Hoyt slept.  At one point after Hoyt woke up Lyd had to run into McDonalds real quick - Hoyt started to cry so I played the Despicable Me app that I had on my phone and entertained him!  No more crying!

Saturday was spent mainly babysitting Chrissy.  She was so miserable - couldn't get comfortable to sleep, couldn't scratch her ears - she became quite the little cuddle bug - I had missed having a pup that wanted to snuggle with me.  Sunday I went up to La Conner to visit my parents - my Mom's brother, his wife, their kids were coming to visit.  It had been awhile since I had seen them.  It was a nice visit.

L Updates - not much to really update - still sitting in my house - still no job.  New drama issues - unemployment has run out - she has spent all of the money that I had been holding for her for savings.  Yeah - discovered that one when I went to take out money for her phone which will be coming out of my account this week and found that there was no money left.  Asked her what she spent it on - food and cigarettes.  Probably not something that you should be buying when you have no money coming in.  I am already completely stressed out about what's going to happen at the end of this month when her 3 months are up - as far as I know she has made no plans - surprise surprise.  The whole point for moving back in here was to save money for a deposit, get a job, find a place to live - she has done none of those things.  So living here hasn't really done anything for her accept to make her believe it's ok t just sit around again - she does nothing around the house unless I harp on her about it.  Anyone want to come by here Labor Day Weekend and be my muscle!!  I am going to need some help I believe  getting her out of here - won't that make for a wonderful birthday weekend for me.

This stress has gotten to me - I could feel a headache coming on last night - hoped that if I got to bed early and before it hit too bad I could stop it before it got intense - no such luck - woke up this morning with a migraine.  Laid in bed for most of the morning - that is until E showed up to hang with L and brought along a friend of his from the shelter - yeah, not very relaxing and quiet.  Beginning to feel like my place is turning into the Plateau Shelter.  I miss having the place to myself.

OK - Chrissy is giving me the - Mom lets go to bed - look.  I think I have caught you up on everything.


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Chrissy will probably turn into a cuddly pup. Kara used to hate cuddling and now she lays by me or on me all the time. Maybe it is a puppy trying to be independent thing :-)