Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sending Out An APB For The Missing Sense of Humor

The top news story tonight . . . . . a food fight at a HM Jackson High School in Mill Creek! I'm not kidding - with everything going on in the world the top story was a food fight. The way they were reporting on it -the way the school representative talked about it - you would have thought there had been a tragedy at the school. This wasn't a tragedy - it was kids being kids - and pretty hilarious!

It is almost time for school to be out for the summer - which means restless kids and time for the Seniors to pull a prank. From what I heard on the news - the students had been planning this for a couple weeks - the administration heard about it - sent a message that it had better not happen - they lined up around the cafeteria hoping that it would deter anyone from pulling the prank. Then it happened . . . . . . a senior boy stood up . . . . . and in the perfect imitation of the late great Jim Belushi yelled . . FOOD FIGHT! According to the Senior - who was interviewed on the news - everyone was quiet for a couple seconds and then the food started flying! When all was said and done - no one was hurt - the police had been called - the school might cancel Prom - 14 students were singled out and given emergency expulsions . . . . . that's right -Expulsions!! When did throwing food become an offense on the same level as bringing a weapon to school! I mean really! Whatever happened to the punishment fitting the crime - like - making the students clean up the cafeteria and maybe some detention that includes helping out the janitorial staff after school. And why cancel prom - yes a Senior boy started the fight by all grade levels were involved and the students expelled consists of Juniors and Seniors.

When did we lose our sense of humor?



putbory said...

Sounds like a control issue/struggle. They shouldn't have threatened anything to begin with b/c then they were pretty much obligated to follow through when the students disobeyed! Are the expelled kids allowed to graduate? It would be sad if they were penalized for being involved in a silly senior prank. :[

Tony said...

Expulsion? Cancelling Prom? Sounds like a bit of an over reaction by school authorities. Hopefully none of these kids will get charged with assault. I agree the punishment should match the crime.

Colleen said...

great blog post!