Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If Ignored Does It Go Away

Have you ever had a problem/issue that when you ignored it - it went away or got better? Yeah - me neither. No matter how much you ignore it - it is still there - and still needs to be resolved. After dinner with L yesterday I got home and went through the mail - her T-mobile bill was there and I opened it so I could let her know what was owed. OMG!! Her current charges are $309!!! I sent her a text letting her know and advising her that she should contact T-Mobile and talk to them about her phone plan, the extra charges, and whether or not there is a better plan for her to be on. No response. This afternoon she updated her Facebook status while she was at work so I sent her another text - asking whether she had received the text last night and to let her know I had put her T-Mobile bill under the doormat. No response and when I got home tonight the bill was still under the mat - hmm no big surprise there. you see, if she just ignores it then she doesn't have to admit there is a problem - she won't get stressed out - and maybe, just maybe, it will miraculously disappear! Not gonna happen! She will get a call from customer service on 6/5 letting her know that they are going to shut off her service unless she pays her bill right then and there - which I am guessing is what happened back in March when she stole my credit card. So - think this problem will go away or just get worse as it sits there.

Oh - and her status on Facebook - "at work til 4...then poking smot........" - guess we know what happened to the birthday money her Auntie Colleen sent her! Makes you proud doesn't it.



Colleen said...

Awesome!!! Do you think I'll get a thank you note for the great high :-)

Dylan said...

Yeah that T-Mobile bill sounds kind of out of control. To that point, I thought I'd mention that there are ways to use the internet to soften the monthly blow of the cell bill that you might want to check out if you haven't already. One blog called http://www.fixmycellbill.blogspot.com/ constantly tracks new ways to cut wireless costs and exposes shady billing practices utilized by the cell phone companies. Also, take a look at the consumer advocacy website where I (admittedly) work, http://www.fixmycellbill.com , that slashes the average cell bill by 22 percent. Through the site, which is powered by a company called Validas, we have currently audited over 26,000 cell lines and have saved consumers over $5 million off their wireless bills. You can see Validas in the national news media, most recently on Good Morning America at http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6887412&page=1.

Good luck!
