Sunday, May 3, 2009

Life . . . . . . . Part II

Today was liberation day . . . . . L moved the rest of her stuff out of the house! Lyd came by with her big ass truck and L came by with her boyfriend Justin. L showed up saying she was sick and had been throwing up all morning. I asked her if it was something she ate, drank, or smoked. She had drank a lot last night and was hungover - she kept trying to deny it and said no - she had the stomach flu and that she doesn't get hungover. Whatever! I was glad Justin came with her - he carried all of the heavy items. He carried the trundle down all three flights of stairs! He helped get everything in to the truck and got it all tied down. I don't know what we would have done if he hadn't come along.

L's new place is on the third floor. When we got to the apartments 2 of her other guy friends were there to help load everything up. From the outside the complex looked pretty nice - Oh how looks can be deceiving. The inside of the apartment was so disgusting. The first thing you notice is the smell - it reeked!! Even Justin made a comment about how bad it smelled. I went in to what is now L's room and there were plates with food on them on the floor. I asked her what smelled so bad and she looked at me like - What Smell?!? - She then said it was probably old food. Just imagine a whole apartment that looks and smells like how L left her room here at home.

Now - as excited as I am to have an empty house and to get on with my life there is a small part in the back of my mind that is scared for L and the decisions that she made. This apartment is not where I envisioned my 19 year-old daughter to live - when your child is growing up, you have hopes and dreams about how their life will be. I tried everything I could think of to keep her on the right track and then to help her when she faltered. I have put in so much effort to help her out - she now needs to live with the consequences of the choices she makes - one of which is living in a nasty apartment - although, the smell and dirt didn't seem to bother her.

Good Luck L - Part II of my life begins today.


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