Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Hmmmm . . . . . . Can you still call it Spring Cleaning if it doesn't really feel like Spring outside? It was cloudy, cold, and a little rainy today . . . . I guess that's Spring in Washington. I still opened up the windows to let some fresh air flow through the house. The kitchen looks wonderful! Scrubbed it down . . did all the dishes - including the absolutely disgusting ones I pulled out of L's room. I caught up on my recorded TV Shows - I wouldn't skip through the commercials - I did chores during them.

L came home today - she is eating me out of house and home - she cooked up so much food - and while things were cooking she would be eating other stuff . . . . hmm . . sounds like the munchies to me. Of course she denied that but she is in her room right now talking on the phone with one of her friends - she has a very loud voice - and I just overheard her relaying the story and admitting that - - yup she was stoned and had the munchies. She really thinks I'm stupid. I also just heard her say - "My room smells like dirty feet . . . it smells like old food, garbage, and drugs!" I guess things haven't really changed - she's back in my house - doing things she shouldn't be doing - thinking I'm naive and stupid. Now I just need to figure out how to get control of my house again.


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