Thursday, April 9, 2009

**Relaxing Sigh**

I am full, relaxed, and content!

I went to dinner tonight at Mongolian Grill - yup, the place that L works now. She had to stay until 6 tonight instead of 4 so I went there after work. It was really busy when I got there - L was working so hard - multi-tasking, being polite - it was so nice to see. I had my meal there - sat at a table where I could see L - she came out and sat with me for a bit when things slowed down. Her boss is really relaxed - they don't have a set break time - if there are no customers she can talk on the phone, text, come out and sit with her old Mom! She must be doing well because they called her in to work tomorrow night form 4 - 9:30. She wasn't happy about that but I reminder her it was more money and she usually doesn't go out to do things with friends until 10 anyways. I really think she has found something she is good at.

The Quarter is closed and the auditors don't come in until next week - time to take a breath and relax. I completed the one thing at work that I hate doing and tend to put off - reconciling the credit card statements to the receipts I've received. I worked on it most of yesterday and today - I am finally caught up! Tomorrow I just need to file somethings away - I provided the names of the 5 people that seem to have a hard time getting me their receipts to my boss - we'll see what happens. It just feels so nice to have accomplished something that needed to be done! It was like Spring Cleaning - which I am going to continue tomorrow by cleaning things off my desk and wiping everything down. Time to start the new Quarter with a clean plate.

I hope this "Spring Cleaning" mood follows me in to the weekend - my house could really use a good cleaning.


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