Monday, April 27, 2009

Hmm . . . Monday

I am hanging out on my bed with Muppet watching Big Bang Theory! This show just cracks me up! I would love to meet the guy who plays Sheldon to see what he's like in real life - is he nerdy like Sheldon or is he that great of an actor - being nerdy, OCD, Sheldon just seems to be so natural for him.

No blogging over the weekend - nothing really blog worthy to write about. L did make a pit stop by the house on her way to work - she used the excuse that she didn't want to get to work early - yeah whatever. She came in and went back to the bedroom - came out wanting to know where the computer was. I told her I hadn't logged in yet - ignoring the actual question of where the PC Laptop was. I logged in and let her use my Mac. You know - she's not the brightest bulb in the box sometimes. The way I figure it - she took pictures with her cell phone, emailed them to herself, and needed a regular PC in order to load them to her MySpace. She loaded the pics to my computer - moved them to the trash - but never deleted them from the trash. I'm so proud! Here's the pic :
I guess I know what she's doing at her new place. Definitely not making any changes yet - no good decisions - just hanging out and getting by. She still needs to come get her bed and other crap - she mentioned on Sunday that she hasn't found anyone with a truck yet. Hey - if any of my readers live close by and have a truck - I will pay for gas and treat you to lunch if you help me transport all her stuff to where she is living now! I just need to make a clean break - no option for her to sneak her way back in.


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