Sunday, March 6, 2011


I can't stop thinking and worrying about something that happened on Friday.  I snapped at someone who was just asking a question - wanted to know if I was going to be doing something - but what I heard was Why isn't this done yet.  And before I could filter myself I answered back in a snippy voice - I was not very nice.  I went back and apologized but I can't stop stressing about it.  I so did not mean to do that. Have you ever said anything to someone that either came out wrong or you used a snotty tone - later you regret it? 

This person probably has already let it go - I on the other hand am having a tough time doing that.  That's me - worry wart!  

My motto for this week: Don't worry about the things I have no control over and cannot change - Focus on me and do the best I can.  

I will also take deep breaths before answering questions and work on my filter.


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