Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday - No Holiday

Most everyone is enjoying a 3-Day weekend – not me – Finance had to come in to work today to work on Quarter End Close. Even though today is a company holiday – our big boss counts this as one of our days of close. Didn’t use to be this way but now that they have shortened our amount of time to close they have also taken away any additional days that would have normally been a holiday. Too late to change career paths now though – I guess if I could find a job with a non-public company then I wouldn’t be on such a tight deadline.

Miss Chrissy is hanging at the vets today. She had to get a booster shot on the vaccine that she had the reaction to last month. So today she got to go in early and get pre-medicated for it, then have the vaccine, and just hang with the vet all day. Don’t think I’ll get away without having to pay for the stay this time around though. $$$ They reminded me again too that I can get her spayed at anytime – more $$$$. Need to do that though – don’t want any little Chrissies running around.

L went to a BBQ at a friend’s yesterday after her and I went and saw the new Twilight movie. Movie was really really good – they did a great job with this one. Best one of the three so far. It was a normal weekend day for me though. It’s just another one of those holidays that is geared towards couples and families – which I don’t really have. These holidays just seem to make me depressed. I am fine with my life until things like this come up – then I just start missing the small things like having someone to go to a BBQ with – someone to watch Fireworks with – someone to just hold my hand. Start to feel like I am going to be alone forever. What’s wrong with me?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IMHO, You need to spend more time out meeting people and less time sitting at home with your pets.