Saturday, July 24, 2010


My task tonight is to let you know how absolutely incredible the movie Inception was without giving away any spoilers!  Leonardo DiCaprio has got to be one of the best actors of this generation - the roles he takes on are so complex-intricate-deep-and emotional.  If you loved him in his previous movie - Shutter Island - you will be amazed at how great he is in this one.  The supporting cast - Ellen Page (from Juno) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (from 500 Days of Summer) show that they are not just one hit wonders.  I think Joseph is an overlooked incredible talent - I would see any film that he was in.  How good was the film without giving anything away . . . . . the movie was 2 1//2 hours long and I didn't realize that much time had gone by . . . I finished my soda and didn't have to get up to use the restroom . . . it pulled you in to where you didn't notice time going by . . . . did I really see this movie or was it all just a dream!

Colleen came back from her race tonight around 630.  I ordered us a pizza for dinner and we sat out on my deck enjoying the nice weather - we were both comfortable out there tonight - she wasn't cold and I wasn't too hot.  After dinner I took on the lovely task of trying to comb out the many knots Chrissy has in her fur.  She was not a very cooperative pup!  I had to try and hold her tight under one arm so she wouldn't bite me and then comb through the knots with the other.  I found a spray at the pet store that is supposed to help detangle her fur.  I think it helped a little and going forward it will be a good tool for keeping her fur knot free.  There are still some mats and knots in her fur but we made a good dent in them tonight.  I finally decided she had probably had enough and let her go to bed.  The parts of her that have been cleaned up feel so so soft!  If I keep her with the long hair it is going to be a lot of work - Muppet didn't get knots no matter how long her fur got.

Colleen is asleep right now and I am going to play a computer game and then join her.  We are heading up to Mom and Dads tomorrow - Chrissy will stay home.  Have lunch at the Tav so Colleen can get some good fish and chips - never had a bad batch there so I am sure they will be delish as opposed to the disappointing ones we had on Thursday in Seattle.  Colleen heads back to Texas on Monday morning and I go to work and start preparing for July month end . . . . . didn't I just close June?

Go See Inception!!!!


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