Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So . . . the other day someone commented that I was being negative. . . which brings me to this question -"Has everything that happened this past month made me negative . . . or . . . Has my negative attitude contributed to all the crap this past month?" Now - considering that the 2 main items were my dog dying and the L issue - I don't think my attitude contributed to those at all - I think they made me depressed which I guess could come across to some people as negative. The not being happy at work could be a bit of both - here is the formula: Crap in my life = Depressed/Negative Attitude = Hating my life! Kind of a bad cycle.

Now my work attitude isn't all because of things going on in my home life. Without giving away private info - stuff I'm not to share outside - I will just say this . . . being in the Finance Department sometimes really sucks. Not just because of the Month/Qtr End stress but also because you are privy to information that other departments aren't - such as Expense Reimbursements and Payroll info - and it can really be depressing. I begin to doubt whether what I do is appreciated - is my knowledge respected. One day someone is there and the next day they're gone - no communication letting people know what happened - makes you feel like you could be the next one gone and it would be like you were never there at all.

Right now I am watching my Guilty Pleasure - America's Next Top Model. This season is like a cross between early seasons of ANTM and Bad Girls!! There's not a standout beauty and most of these girls just want to start fights and don't know how to live with anyone - just want their way and that's it. So entertaining!

Time to go to bed - get ready for another day.


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