Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Big Heavy Sigh

Muppet is doing OK - we went to the vets yesterday to pick-up her seizure meds and Dr Brar came out to see her and to ask how she had been doing. He said her jaundice wasn't worse but that it certainly hadn't gotten better. After talking for a bit he decided that we should run the blood work again to see if the steroids and liver supplements have helped at all. The results should have been back today but they weren't - hopefully I hear something tomorrow. She was a bit lethargic this morning - ate some of the leftover cheeze-it chicken from last night - wouldn't take her one big pill, even hidden in the chicken, so I had to shove it down her throat. When I got home tonight she had finished her chicken - didn't drink much water - and she had a seizure while I was gone. I knew this because she had peed in her bed, her tongue was stuck out of her mouth, and she couldn't climb out of her bed. I gave her a quick bath and then got out some chicken - which she ate :-) . She is now laying on the couch next to me.

My psychic abilities are kind of starting to get back on track- wish they weren't being right! What I thought might happen has - and now it's time to deal. I am just so emotionally drained after the past couple of weeks . . Ah Hell . . the last year has drained me. Sorry to be so cryptic right now - just need to get my thoughts together - work things through.

OK - I really need to go to bed - gotta get up early and face yet another wonderful day of Month End at work. Man this week sucks! :-P


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