Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Dark Stormy Night!

It was a dark and stormy night . . . . . I had just dropped a friend off at his Park&Ride -  This wasn't just any Park and Ride it was in Kent . . dun dun da!!!  Scary, down in the valley of Kent!  My friend got in his truck and told me to follow him out and when he went to go up the hill I would turn to the right.  Well . . . somehow I missed the turn to the right!  When we started going up the hill I figured I had definitely missed something.  I finally got to a spot where I could turn around and I headed back down the hill . . a dark night is not when you want to be lost in Kent!!  Not that any time is a good time!  Well, I finally found my way to I5 and got back to my own house.

I had worked late on Month End items and just wanted to go home, watch Survivor, and go to bed.  Best laid plans of mice and men!  Got home only to discover that my DVR had not recorded Survivor and it had cancelled the recording of tonight's new episode of Fringe! Well . . I didn't miss anything on Survivor - my last player was voted out - No one left in Survivor and my team is out on Amazing Race.  I will have to find the episode of Fringe online so I can watch it.

I did get my ticket to Christian Kane in the mail!!  Yay!!  In 2 weeks I will head down to Portland and see him in person!  So excited.  I still need to figure out where to stay.  I am leaning towards the Embassy Suites because your rate includes Breakfast and a Managers Cocktail hour!  I remember these from when I went to DC with my Mom and we stayed at an Embassy Suites!  The hotel is also within walking distance of the place where Christian is playing and also Voodoo Donuts!

OK - time to head to bed!


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