Thursday, June 4, 2009

Now . . . Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program

My cell rang when I got to work this morning and I didn't recognize the number - it was a 206 area code so I answered it - first mistake! It was L calling from her apartment phone - gee, why wasn't she calling me on her cell phone - that would be because her service had been suspended - Again!! Was she calling me just to let me know in case I tried to get a hold of her - maybe to give me a different number I could reach her at - or, behind door number three was she calling to see if I would pay her bill. If you chose door number three you are correct! If you chose any of the other options - you haven't been a long time reader of my blog!

Here is the Reader's Digest shortened version of the conversation - Please - No! :tears: Please - No! :tears: Please - No! Hang up phone! Cell rings again. Don't answer. Work phone starts to ring repeatedly. Pick Up - Don't hang-up on me!! Please - No! Please - No! Hang-up again. Forward work phone to voicemail.

Here is a little more detail - Her main arguments were these 1) I haven't asked you for anything in a long time. 2) What happens if there's an emergency and I don't have a phone! 3) I get paid on Friday so I can pay you back in cash right away. My answers to these arguments 1) Yeah, what about 2 weeks. 2) People have survived without cell phones before you'll be fine 3) Yeah, I've heard that before and you still owe me $50 from the last time. You get paid tomorrow, then you can go down to the T-Mobile and pay your bill yourself and get your phone turned back on.

I am positive that she doesn't have enough money to cover her phone bill, rent, gas, and whatever else she spends her cash on. I know darn well if I had paid the phone bill I would never get paid back. And I am not a bank or a credit company. These are all hard lessons and it does break my heart that she is going through this - but it is the result of choices she made and she needs to deal with the consequences. I hope she grows through all of this.

Remember Friday is National Doughnut Day!!


***SYTYCD Vegas Day 2 - they just put through Tony to the Top 20 - he was one who they gave a second chance to dance the Contemporary routine yesterday. He has no technique. It is things like this that just make me mad - why didn't Natalie get the same consideration - she was 10 times a better dancer than this guy and some of the girls they put through. Their judging is just not consistent.****

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