Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Get Over It

I originally was going to write about my aching tooth and how I really hate dentists - but my appointment to cure the agony of de-teeth isn't until 930 tomorrow morning so I will save that subject for tomorrow. Although - let me just say - this is a very painful diet - haven't been able to eat for 2 days because it hurts too much.

The topic of this entry came to me at around 10 this morning - it came to me via a phone call from L. The call was not to ask me for money or to try and convince me to pay for something. No - this was a call from a very hurt little girl who was crying - made my heart break. What could possibly have happened to make her so upset. She is in NC on vacation and I know she had been looking forward to the visit for so long so I was very surprised when the first words out of her mouth were that she didn't want to be there any more.

You see - her Step-Monster, Randi, is there but her Dad won't be until Thursday. For some unknown reason, Randi really hates L and makes no attempt to hide this from her. She goes out of her way to not say a word to her and to treat her like she doesn't exist. Today L heard her talking behind her back to L's brother and sisters and bitching about how she had done a crappy job of vacuuming and how hard is it to vacuum! - Everyone is helping around the house to get it ready for the wedding this weekend and L was asked to vacuum the rugs in the basement and the stairs. When she was done her Uncle Chris told her that it looked fine so she was very upset to hear Randi complaining about her.

What did L ever do to Randi that would deserve this kind of treatment for the past 17 years - you read that right - this has been going on for 17 years!! Which means L was 2 when it started! What could a 2 year old have done that was so bad it could result in holding a grudge for 17 years! It's possible that L is just a reminder to Randi that Alan was married once before and that L is his first born. But come on - it's been 17 years! Get Over It!

It's not like she sees L all the time - they see her maybe once a year. I would think an adult could just set aside any animosity for the 2 weeks they are around each other - 2 weeks out of your whole life really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things.


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