Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ahh - this is the life!

Just got home from work and I am sitting on my deck in a lounge chair sippin on a beer and enjoying the warm weather. It has been awhile since I've been able to really enjoy my deck - why you may ask - well, L used to come out here to smoke and would leave ashes, cig butts, matches, and whatever else she had with her all over the place. It was just too disgusting to pick up and you know darn well she wasn't going to do it. SO when I had to clear off the deck so it could be recoated I came out here with plastic bags on my hands - yes you read that right - plastic bags on my hands and I picked up all the nastiness that had been left behind. Now the deck is recoated and I have my beautiful space back! Yay! :) It is so warm in the condo I may have to sleep out here! :P

I drove in to work today - so when I was driving home across the I90 Floating Bridge I saw tons upon tons of sailboats out on Lake Washington - or blow boats as my Mom calls them. They were all in one spot kinda like they were having a convention. It looked like so much fun! It reminded of when I was little - ok Colleen, this is the time for you to start racking your brain and see if you remember this too! When we were little and it would be a warm summer night I remember Mom packing up a picnic dinner and when Dad got home from work ho would hook up the boat trailer and we would all climb in the car and head to Lake Sammamish. This was way back before the Lake started getting as crowded as it is today. We would take the boat out to the middle of the lake and just stop there - eat dinner - which I seem to remember sometimes was cold fried chicken and other times I think it was sandwiches - Colleen and I would jump off the boat in to the water and swim around the boat. I think I remember my Dad doing some water skiing too. Good Times! Wish I could be out there now - life was so much simpler back then.

In case you didn't know - This Friday is National Doughnut Day!! We plan on celebrating it at my work.


1 comment:

Colleen said...

I do remember that! It was usually KFC