Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Few Items

This bullet point update is brought to you by Rice Krispies and Survivor.

Discovered on Monday that I should not listen to 80's music when I'm feeling down. For some reason, all it did was bring up bad memories, regrets, and had me feeling worse than I did before.

Last night I had an actual phone conversation with L. No arguing, snarking, or hang ups. We talked about books of all things! I went to my bookcase and started reading off titles I had. She actually ended up choosing a book that I had and her friend Kelly had. She even read on the bus today.

I have been adjusting my eating habits and watching my calories. I need to work on it though - I'm so worried about not having enough calories at the end of the day that I don't eat much during the work day - I then get home starving with lots of calories to spend. like tonight - I had half my calories left for dinner- I had rice krispies, milk, and a banana - its now 9:00 and I still have 300 left to use.

Survivor - learned a few things tonight. A tribe of all woman will implode. No communication skills and tonight they decided to keep the fun, young, stupid one and send home the stronger, older one. The guys are so taking them down. Also, old men with big pot bellies should not wear teeny tiny speedos. They also should not dance around the campfire while wearing it. That is one sight I can never unsee.


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