Monday, February 13, 2012

They're Watching

I swear - this weekend I felt like they were watching me!

Saturday morning someone from church knocked on my door at 9:30 - that's just a little too early on a Saturday morning.  Of course Chrissy started barking, but I've gotten pretty good at grabbing her up quickly and sneaking up to the peephole on the door to see who is out there.  This time it was one of the gals who isn't very warm and fuzzy and has a way of making me feel like I'm doing something wrong or I'm being selfish.  She knocked 3 separate times and stood at my door for 5 minutes!!  Really - if I haven't answered the door withing 1 minute then I'm probably not going to answer the door.  A knock on the door is a request for a face to face conversation - not a demand.  I don't have to open the door if I don't want to.

Sunday night I took Chrissy out at 8:30 pm - we got to the bottom of the stairs and headed toward to the street - I hear foot steps behind me - it was the missionaries.  They said they were in the area and were just going to head to my place to see how I was doing.  Interesting how they just happened to be right there when Chrissy needed to go outside.

 Just feeling a little paranoid!!


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