Saturday, February 11, 2012

Roller Coaster

Up - Down - Up  . . . I was on a roller coaster ride yesterday . . . . mentally not an actual ride!  A ride would have been more fun.  I got up this morning and I was in a good mood - it was Friday . .Yay!!  I baked last night and the bread turned out and tasted great - My workday looked to be a little less stressful - no traffic this morning.  I was actually pretty chipper all day long.  Even more so when I got a text message from Amazon letting me know that my Breaking Dawn  DVD had been delivered - it was a good day.  Then came . . . . . . . . . the call from L.  Her TurboTax card wasn't working - she needed me to help her get it fixed - then the question of when I was leaving work, maybe I could drive her home.  I was feeling good so why not.

Everything was going fine until . . . . . I took her to the Chevron so she could take money off her TurboTax Card.  While she was inside I got a call from my mom - whom I hadn't talked to in awhile.  L tried calling me and I figured if she needed me bad enough she would come outside - uh no - it just pissed her off that I didn't drop what I was doing to take her call - after all her needs are the most important.  She finally came outside to the car and started yelling at me for not taking her call - what  was so urgent - the ATM Machine was telling her she could only take out $400 and she needed to know if that just meant from that machine or for the day.  After I explained it all to her she went back inside - then she came back out to the car and snapped at me that her bus to Kellie's was going to be there soon and she still needed to get home - uh yeah - like I was the one taking too much time in the Chevron.  I got her dropped at her house and I took off before she could get mad at me again.  She still succeeded in putting a damper on my mood.

That was until I got home and found my Breaking Dawn DVD waiting for me!!!! Yay!!


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