Thursday, October 8, 2009

What A Morning

I got up early this morning due to the fact the poor little Muppy was not feeling well. She had been dry hacking during the night – which is a really really annoying sound when you’re trying to sleep. So she came over to me this morning after I had hit snooze a couple times and she curled up by my shoulder. She then proceeded to hack again – and it wasn’t dry this time – she got sick on my shoulder. Yuck!! So – no more hitting snooze – I got up and locked her up in the kitchen so if she was going to get sick again it would be on linoleum and I went and jumped in the shower. So my morning started earlier than usual and I thought – no problem, I’ll get an early start to work and then I can come home early. So I got ready – took Muppy outside – she was not looking well. So – as a concerned Mom I decided I needed to keep an eye on her – which meant getting the webcam out and setting up Muppet Cam so I could watch her while I was at work. This took a bit of time and I ended up running a little later than I had planned on.

I got in my car – started it – pulled the Metro schedule out of my purse to check on the bus times and to see if I was going to take the bus or drive to work. This was decision had an effect on the rest of my morning – you see if I was going to drive in I would have to turn right out of the driveway in order to go to the Shell station and fill the tank . . and . . if I was taking the bus I would need to turn left out of the driveway. The next bus was leaving in 8 minutes and if I don’t get stuck behind slow cars I could make it. The next bus was 12 minutes after that. I decided to take the bus so I turned left. Now – when you turn left you drive by Challenger Elementary – the speed limit is 20 mph on this road. It wasn’t anywhere near the time for school to start so I wasn’t really worried about kids or cops. oooops!! Now – I wasn’t going too much over the limit – not enough road to really get the speed up yet – I was at 25 mph when I passed the school going towards a park and there stood Mister King County Sheriff waving at my car and pointing to the parking lot at the park. Ah Crap!! Come on – he didn’t have a radar gun and I wasn’t going that fast! He asked me how fast I thought I was going and I told him between 20 – 25. He pointed to the speed limit sign and said the limit is 20 and you were getting close to 30 (again – no radar gun so not sure where he pulled that number from) there are kids crossing the road here and you need to be able to stop for them. He then told me he was trying to get the kids to use the crosswalk but that they tend to cross anywhere and without warning (there were no kids on the sidewalks or crosswalks when he pulled me over so it wasn’t like I was about to hit someone – I was paying attention). He then told me to slow down and have a nice day! Phew! No Ticket! My luck is still intact!

I pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded down the road at 20 mph! I flashed my lights at some oncoming cars that looked like they were going a little too fast to warn them about the cop. I got to the park and ride in time to catch the second bus at 7:41.

I have been watching Muppet Cam and so far all she’s been doing is sleeping. Now – Buffy on the other hand has been getting in to trouble! She has jumped the baby gate twice now to drink Muppet’s water and eat Muppet’s food. She also started playing with the one and only toy that Muppet likes – her snowflake man. I just looked right now and poor little Muppet is leaning against the baby gate and big mean Buffy is lying in the dog bed. I need to have a camera set up here at work and streaming on a computer at home so I can tell Buffy to move! Man – wouldn’t that freak her out! I may have to think about that!!


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