Wednesday, October 28, 2009


One morning when I left the house I noticed a spider hanging on the stairwell outside - well, not on the stairwell - it was on the railing who9ch is right outside my door. As you know - I Do Not Like Spiders!! This one was small- didn't move when I walked past it - didn't have anything disgusting hanging from the web. I figured it would probably have moved on by the time I got home from work. Nope - still there when I got home. I could see it as I walked up the last flight of stairs to my door. I carefully walked by it - giving it as wide a berth as possible in such a narrow area - and let myself into my home. Phew - made it past without it jumping at me or moving towards me.

For the next few mornings I would carefully look to see if it was still there - yup, in the same spot, hadn't moved. Hmmm . . . . maybe it was already dead . . . . if it was already dead it would be easier to move . . . . so I blew on the web. Ahhh!! Moved!! Not Dead!! I said Sorry and went on my way to work. After a couple mornings like that - me checking if it was there and still alive - we had a small routine . . . .Every Morning I would say "Good-Bye Charlotte" and every evening I would blow on the web and then say "Good, your still alive Charlotte. Good Night Charlotte" - I named her Charlotte! :-P

One morning last week as I was leaving there was a small fly buzzing around my head - I said "Charlotte, aren't you suppose to be taking care of these" I swatted at it - caught it with the back of my hand - and hit it directly into Charlotte's Web! The actual web not the book! She moved right on it - and started having her snack. As I left I said "OK Charlotte, remember who fed you!" Again - I'm not a spider person but I was actually getting a little attached and I liked Charlotte.

Saturday I went to visit Lyd - when I came home I noticed John L Scott Open House signs pointing towards my building - my stack - up my stairs. The until next to mine has been empty and on the market for almost a year. I started going up the last set of stairs - looked up as usual - Charlotte Wasn't There!! Maybe she just crawled up to a corner and I couldn't see her. Nope - her web was gone too!! The real estate agent Killed Charlotte!!!! My little spider friend was killed for the possibility of someone coming to look at a condo! Poor Poor Charlotte!!


**Headache Update - still here and now I have an annoying ringing in my right ear. Went back to the Dr today and I will be going in for a CT Scan tomorrow**

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