Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trying To Solve The Headache Question

Headache Update - still hasn't gone away - even the Vicodin doesn't make it go away. I started thinking a little more about what might be causing it - a few months ago I had to go to the dentist for a broken crown - they did a temporary fix on it and said the tooth could not be saved and I would need to have it pulled at some point. Now - even though the tooth is not bothering me like a regular toothache it could be causing the headaches.

I went to the Oral Surgeon today and the x-ray showed a small infection in the root. I am on another antibiotic and I am scheduled to have the tooth removed Friday morning. Keep your fingers crossed that this cures the headaches. If it doesn't - it will be back to the medical doc and try to figure it out. In case you lost count - the headache has lasted 6+ weeks. :-P

I will work tomorrow - take care of the tooth on Friday - take the rest of the day and the weekend to recover. I will keep you posted.


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