Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Am I Missing

Yesterday I listened to the Dori Monson Show on the radio – he usually is railing about government and taxes but for the last hour of his show one of his topics was things you can’t find or get anymore.

This topic started because Monday night he was craving Burgundy Cherry Ice Cream and couldn't find it anywhere – he found cherry ice cream but the cherries were just little slivers so he went back out and bought a jar of maraschino cherries. I remember Burgundy Cherry Ice Cream – the cherries were big and juicy and wonderful. So he asked the audience to call in and talk about things they couldn't get anymore. I thought of a couple items during the show – which I instant messaged to him – but when I got home last night and started thinking about it I came up with a few more – I also thought of some things we were able to do as kids that today’s kids can’t do.

  1. Quisp Cereal – I remember the box had a Martian type alien on the box and the cereal was in the shape of a space ship.
  2. Tootsie Pop Drops – these came in a roll just like lifesavers. They were like a Tootsie Pop but smaller and flatter and without the stick. I loved these. I have visited quite a few retro candy websites and have not been able to find them.
  3. Restaurant in Bellevue called House of Pies! I remember going here when I was younger after the family bought our new car – a Vega! You walked through cafeteria style and you picked out which kind of pie you wanted. I do believe I got a slice of chocolate cream pie. Someone needs to open one of these up again.
  4. Farrell’s! Can you say Pig Trough! I think I still have a ribbon from there that said I Made A Pig of Myself at Farrell’s in one of my scrap books.
  5. Playing Red Rover Red Rover. Kids aren’t allowed to be kids anymore. The rules that are enforced on the school playground don’t allow kids to be kids. Everyone is so afraid of someone getting hurt and/or getting sued.
  6. Real Lawn Darts – really, what’s wrong with throwing a heavy dart with a very sharp tip around the yard with people standing around. Especially when you are young and don’t have a whole lot of control over where things go when you throw them.

What do you miss?



Colleen said...

I got tootsie pop drops yesterday on clearance at Target. I don't remember them as a kid, shocking I know.

Crawfords said...

what does it mean if I've only ever heard of 2 of your items (red rover and real lawn darts)?

putbory said...

i've only heard of one - red rover. we used to play until our arms were red. :P I heard there were some schools now that are making elementary school kids learn about body fat percentages and strengthening core muscles. what the hell is that about? they are kids, just let them run around and play silly games for an hour every few days and i think they'll be fine. i feel sorry for kids growing up today. things have changed so much, you can't just be a kid anymore.