Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have been dealing with a minor headache for the past 4 weeks. One of those headaches that is kind of irritating but not so bad that you can’t move. I have been feeling pretty run down too – not sure if it was related to the headache or if I was just tired. It has been going on for so long that I was beginning to think that it was normal. My niece Lindsay finally convinced me to go to the doctors to see what was going on.

I went Tuesday afternoon to get checked out. It’s very difficult to answer some of the questions when it’s been going on for so long. Which came first – the feeling of blah and not wanting to do anything or the headache? I always go through periods of feeling really blah – depressed – so it was hard to think of which came first. During the month though, I have had a few days of a sore throat, a few days of the stomach flu, aches and pains. They wanted to test for a bladder infection – why is it that when a nurse hands you that plastic cup your body just shuts down!! Unbelievable!! 15 minutes later I had to go to the lab and have blood drawn instead so they could test for infections. In the meantime I got a steroid nose spray in case it is sinus related, prescription for stronger Advil to reduce any swelling, and a prescription for Vicodin for the pain. Went home – took the meds – went to sleep.

Yesterday I got up and still felt pretty much the same – other than feeling a little extra tired – Vicodin Hangover. Went to work – didn’t take the pain meds because I didn’t want to fall asleep at my desk. I got a call from the Dr in the afternoon and my blood work had come back with elevated white cell counts – meaning there is an infection somewhere just not sure where. So now I am taking an antibiotic. I feel like a prescription pill junkie! :P

Today I am feeling a little better – not quite as tired. I am taking tomorrow off though so I can get some sleep. The headache is still here – I need to give it another 24 hours to give the antibiotic time to start working.

You are probably asking yourself – why would she wait 4 weeks to go get this taken care of. When you start feeling blah – there comes a point in time when you begin to think that this is normal. You have felt this way for so long that you don’t remember anything different. Like I said – the headache isn’t blinding pain – OMG I can’t move my head – It’s just a slightly irritating headache. Quite awhile ago I was diagnosed with depression – taking meds for it – but I have lived with that feeling of tiredness and blahness that it just seems normal to me. So these past 4 weeks have been “normal”. So step one is to get this headache taken care of and then step 2 will be to get my other meds adjusted if the blahs don’t leave with the pain.

I do think that the reason why I haven’t blogged much lately is because of feeling lethargic. Hopefully once I feel better my blogging will step back up. I will keep you posted!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

your niece is soooo smart lol

feel better soon de!!!