Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Divorce Is Final!!!

Yes - after 18 years my divorce is final!!

It was legal 17 years ago but it wasn't "final" until today! There has been this one pesky little thing that has kept it from actually being over and final. . . . . . . . . Past Due Child Support!! At one point it was over $20K. As of today it is $0!! I received the final payment of $11.16 today! It is over.

It has been a long haul with many angry conversations, legal battles, papers being served and accusations of taking money from his other children. As of today we are no longer legally joined together. It is over.

Our daughter L is still the one thing we have that joins us. But she is a legal adult and he doesn't really seem to care about her or what happens to her it's not really a strong tie. It is over.

I am divorced. Time to get on with my life.


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