Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's Recap

I think at least once a month I have to do the obligatory catch up post!!  So here it goes:

  • Still livin' under that lucky start - she had no cash but did have a lottery scratch ticket worth $1.  She turned it in at her Chevron station  for another ticket - won another $1!  Turned that one in for another ticket - won $10!!  Turned it in for a pack of cigarettes!  Really!  She is low on cash and out of thin air she gets $10 - I'm low on cash and all I get are bills!
  • Her old boyfriend E sent her a text over the weekend just wanting to chat.  Wanted to know if she had a new boyfriend  - she said not really - he then wanted to know if they could "hang out".  The quotes mean that he was really trying to get a Booty Call!!!  He told her that he missed that part.  She told him he was crazy and that absolutely NOT!  Good for her - Stupid Creep!
  • She does have a new boyfriend - C.  Not sure where the met up - they just hang out together.  Not sure if they also "hang out" and I am so not going to ask!  Sometimes it is just better not to know!
  • Work is going well for her - she is getting more hours next week so hopefully that means things are picking up.  She has been there for 7 Months!  Yay!  
  • She turns 21 in 5 weeks!  Who would have thought we'd ever get there. 
  • She will chew on absolutely anything and everything.  She has gotten rather sneaky about it too.  She finds the items she wants to chew up - brings it out to the living room - and chews on it right next to one of her toys with her back to me so if I look over there it looks like she is chewing on one of her own toys.  But Oh No - closer look when she really gets in to it - I find hair bands - her sweater - kitchen towel - my underwear!  Yes you read that last one correctly!!  She gets into my laundry basket and chews up my underwear!  Thank goodness they're only from Target and not very expensive.
  • She got a much needed bath this week.  She is so fluffy now and smells sooooo good!  
  • My sleep patterns have been disrupted - for some reason I can't go to sleep at night and then I can't get up in the morning!  It's like being bipolar - reved up and full of energy at night but slow and tired in the morning.  I prefer the Morning Person I was and not this Night Owl!
  • Cooking - well actually Baking!  I have been baking a lot lately - last week I made my very first Original Cheesecake which turned out pretty good.  When I was baking it though I had forgotten to put a baking sheet underneath it so when the butter in the crust heated up it melted and dripped down to the bottom of the oven.  Tonight I am baking something new - I turned on the oven to preheat it and when I opened the door to put the crust in - my kitchen filled with smoke from the burning butter on the bottom of the oven!!  Good Grief!!  I opened the back door and am trying to air the house out - one good thing I can say about this - Thank Goodness I need to replace the batteries in my smoke detectors!!  Oh - and when I opened the back door I discovered an inch of snow on my deck!!
  • I discovered a new App for my iPhone - Stumbleupon - it's an app that lets you literally surf the web - kinda like Channel Surfing on the TV.  You choose your favorite categories on the App - like cooking, animals, books, etc - and then when you click on the icon it surfs the web to find articles, pics, or videos that match your likes!  When you're done with the first one - you tap the icon again and "surf" to the next one.  It's very fun and that's where I got the recipe for what I'm baking tonight Warm Toasted Marshmallow S'more Bars
  • I have one weekend left to try and get my house in some kind of shape before Sissy gets here next week.  Last year the house looked like they were filming an episode of Hoarders and . . . . . well . . . . . it hasn't really gotten much better.  Some of the stuff from last year has been moved or gotten rid of - but it was replaced with new stuff.  I so need someone to just come in - clear it all out - haul it down the stairs - and let me start from scratch!  Raise Your Hand if you want to help . . . . . anyone . . anyone!
 OK - off to finish the treat for tomorrow.


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