Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tomorrow Is My Friday!

Sissy's here on Thursday!  Yay! I have been working to try and get the house to not look so "hoardy"!  It's not perfect but I think it looks better than it did last time she was here!  I still have one more night before she's here so we will see what all I can get done.  At least she has a room to stay in - it might be bright green but it has a Futon, Internet, and a TV!  What more could you ask for.

Tomorrow I get to drop off my car to be looked at - check engine light!  Keep your fingers crossed that it's not something that will cost me an arm and a leg - not sure I have anymore to pay with!  Also hope it's something that can be fixed in a day - otherwise I will need to rent a car to go pick up Sissy!!  I could rent a sports car - we could be 2 Gals on the Town!!

I will give an update tomorrow!!


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