Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Besides empty wallets and the possibility of needing a second mortgage just to pay for gas these days there is another issue that has arisen from the rise in gas prices ($4.01 in Issaquah today) - the dreaded New Bus Riders!! 

These are the people who have never taken public transportation - or at least not on any consistent basis.  They don't know the rules or else they think they are above them.  My two pet peeves about new riders - the "I should be able to get on when I want to" and the "I want to share my music with everyone" riders!!

This morning at the park and ride - the regular riders were lining up waiting for the  bus - the 8:05 bus is a popular time so there are a lot of people.  When the bus pulls up - opens it doors - we start filing on - there is a lady who just came out from the parking area and just steps right in front of me and on to the bus!  WTH!!  So not cool!  The voices in my head got a little loud and said "What, you think you should just be able to cut in front of all of us who have been waiting in line!"  Luckily - either the voice wasn't too loud or else she was hard of hearing because she didn't respond at all.

Tonight on the way home I had the pleasure of sitting next to a young rider - probably early twenties - who was enjoying listening to her iPod and thought everyone around her wanted to listen too!  She had her ear buds in but the sound was turned up soooo loud! Even with the sound of the bus wheels on the road I could still hear the music.  There is even a sign on the bus saying to please keep the sound down - not to share with your neighbors! 

This surge in new riders is going to drive me insane!  I definitely need to work on keeping my thoughts to myself - and I probably should wear my ear buds so I don't have to listen to everyone around me. 


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