Friday, April 15, 2011

Sissy's Here

Sissy got here yesterday - flight was an hour late because it was delayed in TX.  Only had to drive around the Arrival Loop at the airport twice though so not bad.  First stop was at McDonalds - L was working - she was able to take her break while we were there.  We got there and she had her back to us - I called her name - she said why is everyone yelling my name today - I responded with "Because your mother is here!" She turned around and was "Oh!!"  Came out and hugged C then proceeded to tell us how she was really hung over because she had gotten hammered the night before - she parties hard all the time!  We ordered our food - I got 50% off because I am her Mom!  Then we sat down and ate until she was able to come out on her break.  Most of her conversation revolved around drinking - getting hammered - being wasted!  She just knows how to make her mama proud . . . . . Not! 

After McDonalds we went to my place - had to turn up the heat and turn on the fire - C was a bit chilled - she never took her coat off!!  We then met with one of her friends for dinner at Cucina Cucina - good food - good conversation - they had good wine - and I had a strawberry lemonade! 

This morning I woke up once at 515 and then again at 9!  I thought C had probably been up for a while but she said nope - she had just gotten out of bed too.  We got ready - made a stop at Sbux - then headed to Bellevue Square.  Did some shopping - steered clear of the Apple Store - I Do Not Need An iPad!!  I get into trouble in that store when I am with Sissy - I think she is secretly on their payroll and gets commission on anything she can talk me into getting.  Every Apple item I have I've gotten when I was with her!  After shopping we went and saw a movie - Source Code w/Jake Gylenhal - it was a good movie.  Some action - some suspense - and a real mind bender.  Then it was off to the UW Bookstore - it was awful!!  They don't sell WSU stuff there anymore so I was surrounded by Dawgs and Purple!  It was horrible!!

For dinner tonight we went and tried a newer place in Issaquah - Field of Champions Bar and Grill - we decided to order a few appetizers to share - Onion Rings, Potato Skins, Chicken Quesadilla - she had a beer and I had a coke.  The beer looked so good though - it was tough and tempting - but I stayed with my soda.  The appetizers were really good and when the bill came we realized that we had ordered during Happy Hour (M-F 3-6) so the appetizers were half off!!  Nice!!

Now we are home - sitting on the couch watching the Mariners game.  Sissy is in her sweats underneath the comforter from my bed!!  Me - I'm in sweat bottoms and a T-shirt!  Too Funny! 

The plan for tomorrow is to head up to Mom and Dads and to hopefully see some Tulips.  We'll see - its been wet and cold so I'm not sure if there are very many blooming yet.


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