Sunday, February 27, 2011

Crazy Ride

Well . . . . . . . I never said what day at 11 you would get the rest of the story!!  I am feeling more myself tonight - still a bit amped up but that's to be expected while my body gets back on a regular schedule.  What a crazy ride!

I didn't really realize anything was wrong until Friday - I had the worst case of vertigo - I felt like I had tied one on the night before.  In the morning I though that maybe it was sinuses - but it got worse throughout the day and didn't feel quite like that.  So I sat at my desk thinking - I realized I wasn't just extremely dizzy - I was also very irritable - talking a mile a minute - and my voice was getting loud.  So . . . either I was drunk without drinking or I had missed my meds - Counting backwards to the last day I remembered taking them I realized I had gone a week - and it's not just my mood stabilizers but also my blood pressure meds I had forgotten.  Things started to make sense - I now understood why I had felt a bit bipolar Friday - I must have been slightly entertaining!  I don't know how people who are bipolar can function on a daily basis - this was such a high high - it tired me out.  Next time this happens I want it to be on a weekend so I can just ride it out and not have to try and function at work - did I mention it makes me talk a mile a minute - the filter gets removed and words just come spilling out!  If you watched Glee last week then this will make sense . . . . there are different types of girls and I was the over talkative one.

So what have I learned - 1) Even when I have days off or work from home due to illness and/or snow - I need to stay on some type of schedule!  2) Dizziness - Headaches aren't always a sign of being sick.  3) My meds actually are working

So - yes - I am back on schedule - should be good to go as I enter into this week of Month End Close. 

Right now I am watching the Oscars - haven't seen most of the movies that are winning tonight - but I like to watch the show and root for actors that I like.  What do you think of this years show?  I miss the good old days of Billy Crystal.  They need to find another person like that - might I suggest Neil Patrick Harris!  I want someone who will entertain me!

Took Nikki back to the vet yesterday for her recheck - no congestion and seems to be feeling good - I was happy not only because she's better but also because the recheck appointment was free!  I can tell she's better because she actually tried to get Chrissy to play with her!  Very very sweet - I looked over and she had her paw on Chrissy's neck and was gumming her face - remember she has no teeth so she couldn't really bite her!  She stopped and Chrissy started scooting closer to her and nudging Nikki's paw with her head - she wanted to keep playing.

Well - no surprises so far in the big awards - Best Actress Natalie Portman and Best Actor Colin Firth.  So will it be The Kings Speech  or The Social Network for Best Picture. . . . . Commercial!!  I'm going to throw my jeans in the dryer - brb......ok back . . . . . . . and the winner is . . . . . . no surprise . . . . . . The King's Speech.  People that I know that have seen it say it is a good movie.  It looks kinda stuffy to me . . . . . . maybe I will wait for it to come out on DVD.

Now it's time to watch The Amazing Race . . . . I so need my teams to win so I can be the winner in the Pick 'em Pool at work - no money on the line just pride and getting to have the trophy on my desk until the next season - the trophy is the Travelocity Gnome!  One of my teams is in last place right now - I almost picked the Father/Son team and I am so glad now that I didn't - I don't think they are going to physically make it to the end.  Oh man - I am so nervous as to what team is going to be out - I am watching this on my DVR so I could just fast forward to the end . . . . then go to bed . . . sounds like a plan to me!  I Love Fast Forward on the DVR!!  Now I know how it ended and I can go to bed.  Plan is to get up early tomorrow so I can get in before it gets busy and get some work done!

Have A Good Week!  So glad my crazy ride is over!


1 comment:

Colleen said...

We thought the King's Speech was going to be stuffy but it wasn't. It was really good, had a lot of humor in it. Go see it, its great!!