Monday, February 14, 2011

My Life Is . . . . .

Wow - I really suck at keeping up on this.  I have every intention of writing when I get home - but sitting and doing nothing always seems to sound better once I get home.  I do have a great L story to tell though so I am motivated to get this down!

On Friday afternoon I got a phone call from L - she was all in a panic - telling me she needed me to do her a really big favor - she wasn't getting paid until Wednesday - but she really needed me to help her out - she would pay me back when she got paid!  My interest was piqued - so without saying yes or no I asked what happened - definitely expecting it to be something interesting!  She asked me what time I was getting off work and could I bring her to Target - she needed to borrow some money to get a new phone . . . . . . . uh why?!?  She dropped hers down the sewer!!!!!  OMG!!!  Who does that!!  How does someone do that?!?  Her and a friend at work were out having a smoke during their break - she thought she had put her phone in her pocket - opened her legs to stand up - the phone was in her lap - it fell right through the sewer grate - 5 ft down - splash into the water!!!  To her it was a matter of life or death!  It amazes me that someone who considers their phone their lifeline - would have so many problems keeping track of it.  She has left it places, dropped it, and now sent it down the river - to the lake - to the slew - to the ocean!  When I picked her up from work she was so upset - can't believe this day - can't believe this happened - I have nobody's numbers - I bet people have been trying to get a hold of me all day - they've probably sent texts that I will never get . . . . . . . . . . My Life Is In The Gutter!!  I of course couldn't resist saying "Literally!"  I laughed so hard - she did too.

She now has a new phone - she gets paid on Wednesday - I get paid on Wednesday. 


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