Sunday, January 30, 2011

A New Entry!!

A reader told me today that my Blog was on reruns and when was there going to be a new one!  I think I've been on Blog Hiatus!

I have decided that my New Year hasn't really started yet!  I have been going non-stop at work since I got back from Christmas - no break in the work - just one thing after another.  This coming week is January Close - so I figure my New Year will start Monday Feb 7th!  Hopefully by that time I can take a step back and take a breath!

I also haven't been writing because my life has been all work lately and work is something that I have to be very careful about because I may write something that could be taken the wrong way.  Mostly I have just been overwhelmed - I feel like I have too many things going on all at once that all are important and all have must be done now time lines!  I come home exhausted and feeling like I dropped a ball somewhere - I worry when I have too many things going on that I can't give my 100% to any one thing and that items are going to fall through the cracks.  I fond I just don't have the time to give that extra look over and to follow up on things.  Tomorrow starts January Close and usually by now I will have done quite a bit of pre-close work to make things go smoothly and I just haven't been able to do that.

L has had some trials and tribulations over the past week too.  Thursday she got to work and there was a new Asst Manager working.  L hadn't been able to find her work hat for the last few weeks and had told her managers that she needed a new one and they said they would order one.  Well - when she got to work on Thursday the new Asst Manager told her she needed her hat - L told her she wasn't able to find it and that she had asked for a new one - the Asst Mgr told her to go home and find it and then come back to work.  She had a short shift on that day and with the bus schedules by the time she went home - searched for a hat - caught a bus back - her shift would be over so the Asst Mgr told her to just leave.  Really - L's been asking for a new hat - she needs the money - and she is sent home.  Needles to say she was not a happy camper.  She had to work again on Friday and she still hadn't found her hat and she was stressed about what was going to happen.  When she got to work she mentioned it to another one of the people and they said they thought they'd seen a hat in the break room by the computers - sure enough there was her hat.  So alls well that ends well.

My health has sucked for the past month too - my headaches are back - non-stop aching - and that stupid ringing in my ears is back too!!  I just constantly feel like blech.  Maybe if things slow down a bit I will start to feel better - we'll see.

Right now I need to go pull some laundry out of the dryer and get it folded - put the top sheet back on my bed - try to get some sleep.  Oh - why just the top sheet on my bed . . . . . . that would be because last night when I was putting the sheets on my bed after they had come out of the dryer Chrissy decided they felt so warm and cozy that she peed on the top sheet!!

OK - night night!  Hopefully a new Blog Episode will be available tomorrow!


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